innovation keynote speaker

Julie Austin – innovation keynote speaker

Why should you hire Julie?

First of all, if you don’t, your competition will, and they will get all the insider tips and secrets they need to become #1 in your industry. And what does it take to become #1? Fearless innovation!

There are very few women innovation speakers, and even fewer who have actually innovated. Julie is both. You could hire a woman innovation speaker who has read about innovation in a book OR you could hire a true innovator and inventor who’s been in the trenches and bootstrapped a unique invention from scratch and turned it into a global success with no venture capital, no bank loans, and no mentors.

Julie will teach you how to generate ideas on a consistent basis. Ideas to cut costs, improve sales, create new products, services, business models, ad campaigns, marketing & PR angles, and unique promotions. Imagine those tools in the hands of your competitor.

Then ask yourself… what is one good idea worth to your company?

Inventing the Future

Julie Austin is an award-winning author, inventor, futurist, innovation speaker, and member of the World Future Society. She’s an internationally known thought leader on the topic of innovation, and CEO of the consulting firm Creative Innovation Group. She’s been an innovation keynote speaker for corporations such as Procter & Gamble, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Northrop Grumman, and Cognizant Technology Solutions. She’s also been featured in the books “Patently Female” and “Girls Think of Everything”.

Her patented product, swiggies, wrist water bottles, have been a NASDAQ product of the year semi finalist and are currently sold in 24 countries. Julie and her products have appeared on The Today Show, The Queen Latifa Show, HGTV, Lifetime, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX News, Inc. magazine, Fast Company, and the Wall Street Journal, along with dozens of TV shows, magazines and radio shows around the world.

Her new book “The Money Garden: How to Plant the Seeds for a Lifetime of Income” is currently available on Amazon.

Julie comes from a background in the TV & film industry and has had jobs as diverse as commercial actor and TV host to TV/film distributor/writer, so she knows the creative, as well as the business side, and customizes her speeches for the audience she’s speaking to.

She will deliver a dynamic, inspiring, and entertaining speech that is customized for your audience. Corporations will benefit from her knowledge of innovation and entrepreneurial thinking to expand their markets and grow sales.